15" Peace Lily Plant in Planter Costa Farms
Peace lilies (spathiphyllum ) add a tropical flourish to your home, porch, or office. Grows best in a bright spot (but out of direct sunlight), but it will also tolerate lower light situations. Featuring flowers on tall stems floating above the foliage. Water enough to keep the potting mix moist, but not wet or soggy. The plant will wilt dramatically when it gets too dry, but it leaves pop back quickly after it gets moisture. Fertilize two or three times per year with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Give your peace lily a humidity boost by growing it in a kitchen or bathroom, placing a small humidifier nearby, or grouping it nearby other houseplants. Repot your peace lily if it becomes root-bound. The NASA clean air study concluded that houseplants promote better air quality in your home. The study by NASA found that houseplants actively remove chemical pollutants from the air. About the grower: the manufacturer is a third-generation family-run business stretching from south Florida to North Carolina, we have 5,500 hard-working employees that farm and cultivate a variety of beautiful plants that you can bring home today. Costa Farms
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