Golf Rules Quick Reference Guide 304687-
Golf Rules Quick Reference Guide A practical guide for use on the course Golf Rules Quick Reference Guide is the world\'s best-selling golf book – multi-award winning, recommended by golf associations and more than 1.5 million copies sold. This pocket guide provides instant help in clearing up hazy situations involving the often confusing Rules of Golf. The handy, plastic-coated flip guide answers every rules question at a glance, as each rules situation is illustrated (more than 170 illustrations). The user-friendly booklet, written in easy-to-understand language, is organized into eight sections, just as a course is layed out, among them “Tee,” “Fairway and Rough”, “Bunker”, “Water Hazard” and “Green”. To sum it up, an essential companion on the course. With the currently valid rules. Features: 48 pages 170+ colored illustrations Plastic coated and spiral-bound
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