Precision Pro NX7 Pro Rangefinder 1500685-
Precision Pro NX7 Pro Rangefinder The NX7 Pro Rangefinder is accurate within 1 yard and our laser technology measures distances to the 1/10th of a yard. With the NX7 there is no need to look for sprinkler heads, no need to guess the distance on a par 3, and no need to guess how far it is to carry the bunker. Stop guessing, speed up play, and improve your accuracy. Adaptive Slope Technology- allows you to toggle between elevation measuring Slope and tournament legal Non-Slope modes. Provides (play as) distances in Slope mode. Pulse Vibration Technology- gives a quick Pulse when locked on to the target so you know what you\'ve hit. Accuracy +/- 1 Yard- gives you the confidence to choose the correct club each time. (TAG) Target Acquisition Technology- scans your field of view and locks in on the target to ensure you get the yardage to the target, not what\'s behind the target. 400 Yard Measuring Range- ensures you\'ll never be out of range of the target. 1/10 Yard Measurements- an added layer of accuracy to give you the confidence that your distance is correct. High Speed SD Laser- picks up distance readings in under 1 second. Water Resistant Design- ensures the NX7 Pro can be used in wet and rainy conditions without issue. Shock Proof Design- helps to survive the drops, tosses, any other impact on the golf course. Multi Distance Mode- easily switch between yards and meters depending on your unit of measure. Tournament Legal- you should always check with the rules committee, but the NX7 Pro Rangefinder is legal for tournaments that allow distance measuring devices when Adaptive Slope Mode is turned off. 2 Year Warranty- if anything happens to the NX7 Pro Rangefinder during the normal course of use we will quickly replace or repair the product for you. Free Battery Replacements- provides free battery replacement for the life of your product.
269.99 USD
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